

duminică, 18 decembrie 2011

No Light, No Light

You are the hole in my head
You are the space in my bed
You are the silence in between what I thought
And what I said

You are the night time fear
You are the morning when it's clear
When it's over you'll start
You're my head
You're my heart

No light, no light in your bright blue eyes
I never knew daylight could be so violent
A revelation in the light of day
You can't choose what stays and what fades away

And I'd do anything to make you stay
No light, no light
No light
Tell me what you want me to say

Through the crowd, I was crying out
And in your place there were a thousand other faces
I was disappearing in plain sight
Heaven help me, I need to make it right

You want a revelation,
You wanna get it right
But, it's a conversation,
I just can't have tonight
You want a revelation
Some kind of resolution
You want a revelation

No light, no light in your bright blue eyes
I never knew daylight could be so violent
A revelation in the light of day,
You can't choose what stays and what fades away

And I'd do anything to make you stay
No light, no light
No light
Tell me what you want me to say

Would you leave me,
If I told you what I've done?
And would you need me,
If I told you what I've become?
'cause it's so easy,
To say it to a crowd
But it's so hard, my love,
To say it to you alone

No light, no light in your bright blue eyes
I never knew daylight could be so violent
A revelation in the light of day,
You can't choose what stays and what fades away

And I'd do anything to make you stay
No light, no light
No light
Tell me what you want me to say

You want a revelation,
You wanna get it right
But, it's a conversation,
I just can't have tonight
You want a revelation
Some kind of resolution
You want a revelation

You want a revelation,
You wanna get it right
But, it's a conversation,
I just can't have tonight
You want a revelation, some kind of resolution
Tell me what you want me to say.

sâmbătă, 10 decembrie 2011


Zi mohorata de iarna. Cer gri si aer rece. Vreme uscata. Sambata . Pe la geam pescarusi. Mereu m-au uimit pescarusii aparuti in oras. Eram obisnuita cu ei la malul marii. Nu stiu cum au ajuns pana aici. Proabil foamea ii impinge departe de apele mari. Se multumesc cu mici lacuri si rauri amenajate . Azi zboara jos. Le e foame. Merg la bucatarie si iau felii de paine. Intoarsa la geamul dormitorului nu-i mai vad. Sunt dezamagita, au plecat. Deschid fereastra si aprind o tigare (obicei rau , de care nu ma mai dezbar) si dintr-o data ,uite-i! Doi pescarusi. Ce frumos zboara , plutesc lin si scot cate un tipat. Parca vorbesc. Se apropie de mine indrazneti. si atunci iau o felie de paine in mana si intind mana. Unul dinte ei vine si imi smulge painea din mana. Am simtit doar aerul cum imi atinge mana. Celalalt e mai timid. nu se apropie. Pun o felie pe pervaz. Vine si o ia in fuga. Incet , incet le castig increderea si se apropie . Se aseaza pe pevaz si ma studiaza. Imi e frica sa respir mai tare sa nu fuga si dintr-o data indraznetul sa aseza pe mana mea. Tresar ,dar nu trag mana. Sta asa pe mana mea.
E frumos . Sare de pe mana si se duce catre celalte felii de paine. Ia una si incepe sa ciuguleasca. Timidul sta si se uita. Ii imping incet o felie de paine. O ia lacom . Dupa ce au mancat toata painea, isi iau zborul. Zbora in cerc de cateva ori si se departeaza cu un tipat.
Am ramas singura la fereastra si acum simt frigul . Frigul singuratatii

Dido - Life For Rent

joi, 8 decembrie 2011

Walking with the Angels

Sometimes they wonder why I am not afraid
All this thunder and all this heavy rain
And they wonder
Yes, they wonder, yeah they do

Sometimes they wonder if I will ever break
All these burdens and all this heavy pain
And they wonder
Yes, they wonder but I don't

There is a power, not from this world
I found a power, a higher power

I'm walking with an angel
I'm talking with an angel too
I'm walking with the angels
And they pull me through the darkness too

I've been traveling a dark and deadly road
Sometimes so lonely but never real alone
No wonder, I've been under
The wings of a godly soul

I'll tell you secrets that I found out for sure
I'll wanna show you there's help and guidance too
Oh, don't wonder, no don't wonder
I can prove that it's true

There is a power not from this world
I found a power, a higher power

I'm walking with an angel
I'm talking with an angel too
I'm walking with the angels
And they're watching over me, it's true

There is a power, not from this world
I found a power, a higher power

I'm walking with an angel
I'm talking with an angel too
I'm walking with the angels
And they're watching over me and you

I'm walking with the angels
I'm talking with the angels
And they're watching over me and you

I'm talking with the angels
I'm walking with the angels too
I'm talking with the angels

Walking with the angels
I'm talking with the angels too
Walking with the angels

miercuri, 7 decembrie 2011


Simt ireversibil cum incet , dar sigur sufletul meu se inchide intr-o noua carapace. Am mai trecut prin starea asta si nu cred ca a doua oara o sa mai pot sfarama crusta groasa care imi va tine sufletul departe de tot si de toate. Din pacate in acest moment nici nu imi mai doresc sa ma apropii de nimeni.

duminică, 16 octombrie 2011

Katie Melua - No Fear Of Heights

I never walked near the edge
Used to fear falling
I never swam far from shore
Never tried the secret door

But when you give me love
When you give me love

I have no fear of heights,
No fear of the deep blue sea,
Although it could drown me,
I know it could drown me

I didn't wander in the woods
Used to fear the darkness
I didn't like getting deep
I was scared of what I couldn't keep

But when you give me love
When you give me love

I have no fear of heights,
No fear of the deep blue sea,
Although it could drown me,
I know it could drown me

No fear of the fall
No fear if it's with you that I fall
'cause nothing could break us,
No, nothing could break us, now

A mai trecut un an .... din viata mea

Happy birthday to me !

When will I see you again?
You left with no goodbye, not a single word was said,
No final kiss to seal any sins,
I had no idea of the state we were in,

I know I have a fickle heart and bitterness,
And a wandering eye,
And a heaviness in my head,

But don't you remember?
Don't you remember?
The reason you loved me before,
Baby, please remember me once more,

When was the last time you thought of me?
Or have you completely erased me from your memory?
I often think about where I went wrong,
The more I do, the less I know,

But I know I have a fickle heart and bitterness,
And a wandering eye,

And a heaviness in my head,

But don't you remember?
Don't you remember?
The reason you loved me before,
Baby, please remember me once more,

Gave you the space so you could breathe,
I kept my distance so you would be free,
In hope that you'd find the missing piece,
To bring you back to me,

Why don't you remember?
Don't you remember?
The reason you loved me before,
Baby, please remember me once more,

When will I see you agaïn?

luni, 12 septembrie 2011

Katie Melua - Its all in my head

Every night we fall into bed,
But it's all in my head.
Every night we fall in a heap,
And you kiss me to sleep.
And baby all the sleepy things you say,
Blow me away.
Till the next day,
When I find what we did and we said,
Was all in my head.
Every night you whisper to me,
This always will be.
Every night you smooth down my hair,
But you're not really there.
And darling it seems as if we know,
Our love will grow.
And then the next day,
I find what we did and we said,
It was all in my head.

Drowsy, drinking,
I keep thinking,
We're not far apart.
Scared of waking,
Lonely, aching,
Just me and my hopeless heart.

Sleeping soundly,
Your arms around me.
Through the night we cruise,
Then I find it's in my mind,
That you stroke away my blues.

Every night we fall into bed,
But it's all in my head.
Every night we fall in a heap,
And you kiss me to sleep.
And baby all the sleepy things you say,
Blow me away.
Till the next day,
When I find what we did and we said,
It was all in my head.

It was all in my head.

It was all in my head

marți, 30 august 2011

Intalnim multi oameni in viata. Unii trec pe langa noi si ii uitam,altii ne marcheaza viata. Din pacate unii ne marcheaza negativ. Important e sa stim sa respingem ce e negativ si sa ramanem deschisi spre viata.
Am intalnit zilele trecute un om. Parea o persoana interesanta de la care ai ce primi. E bine sa inveti de la toti din jur ce e bun si util.
Eu fiinta naiva si sincera mi-am deschis sufletul catre el. Nu sunt perfecta. O . Doamne! Am defecte multe, dar , zic eu, nu foarte grave.
Am vorbit ceva timp , pana la un moment dat cand am descoperit cu stupoare cat de ingust e la minte.
A dat dovada de o intoleranta si o duritate de necrezut.
Astepti de la un om inteligent mai multa intelegere si deschidere catre oameni.
Acest om judeca tot prin prisma lui. El are dreptate si ceilalti trebuie sa fie de acord.
Poate nu am dreptate, dar nu pot fi de acord ca trebuie sa ascult muzica doar in limba romana, de exemplu. Mi se pare o abordare foarte ingusta.
Da astfel de oameni nu au ce cauta in viata mea. Nu am ce invata.

marți, 23 august 2011


In momentele de cumpana ale vietii , am fost invariabil singura. Nu stiu cine a zis ca ne nastem singuri si murim la fel de singuri. Mare dreptate a avut!
Poate ca vina singuratatii e mea. Am fugit intotdeauna si m-am ascuns sa imi ling ranile ,precum salbaticiunile prin paduri.
Sunt intr-un moment de cumpana, singura pentru a nu stiu cata oara.
Acum e un om care isi ofera sprijinul , dar nu ma lasa sufletul sa-l tarasc prin chinurile vietii.
Ma tot gandesc daca merita sa sufere alaturi de mine. Nu, nu merita. Ma gandesc daca am dreptul sa-l protejez , cu forta. Nu vreau sa-mi reproseze niciodata ca l-am tinut departe cand el dorea cu disperare sa fie aproape . dar nu vreau sa-l vad nici suferind si sa ramana marcat pe viata.
Noaptea, sfetnic bun , poate ma va ajuta.

miercuri, 27 iulie 2011

Picaturi de ganduri

De cand suntem mici ne facem vise. Multe vise , bineinteles frumoase. La 3-4 ani visam la o jucarie. Atunci cerem , inca nu suntem incorsetati de conventii sociale, avem "tupeu" Timpul trece si crescand incep alte dorinte sa ai o carte anume , haine (deobicei la moda :)). Apoi incepi visele "serioase" : sa ma fac actrita, cantareata, fotomodel, sportiva ... cu timpul ne maturizam si visam altele: sa fiu doctor, informatician etc....apoi visele : vreau sa ma iubesca cutare sau cutare...vreau s ama marit , vreau copii......vreau casa, vreau masina......
Incet , incet unele vise se implinesc , altele se dovedesc de neatins . Ceea ce e sigur e ca mereu apare alt vis, dar ce bine e ca visam . Visele ne motiveaza , ne dau scop , ne educa, invatam sa castigam , sa pierdem , sa avem rabdare, sa ne bucuram cand se implinesc , sa plangem cand le pierdem.
Ma rog din suflet sa am putere sa visez pana in ultima clipa de viata.

miercuri, 6 iulie 2011

Ane Brun - This Voice

This voice
Is it calling
Is it calling
It's your choice
She said
Take or let go
Is it calling
When you're all alone
In your own sweet home
Is it calling
This voice
Is it calling

I have to say
I choose get out of my way
Leave my ghost alone
Let me walk on by
Let me walk on by
Let me walk on by
Let me walk on by

This voice
It is calling
It is calling for me
If you still haven't heard it
You shouldn't ask for it
You should just leave it be
'Cause you're deaf until
The day for you it will
Be calling
This voice
It is calling

duminică, 26 iunie 2011

Te provoc...

De multe ori in viata trecem prin momente grele. Atunci ne dorim sa avem macar un suflet aproape. Nu stiu de ce eu , parca, am fost blestemata . Mereu trec peste greutati singura. Nu ma plang , dar nici nu ma simt mai buna , mai deosebita , mai nu stiu cum , din cauza asta. Ma intreb , doar, daca voi reusi sa gasesc un suflet , care sa stea aproape de sufletul meu si atunci cand sunt la pamant , fragila si gata sa capitulez. Daca cineva a vrut sa ma incerce , cred ca e momentul in care sa se traga linie si sa se scrie : da , se ridica singura cand e strivita de viata.
M-am ridicat de atatea ori , am reusit sa o iau de la capat de fiecare data . Am ajuns sa fiu ispitita de gandul ca acum sa nu ma mai ridic. Sa vedem ce va fi ? Se va multumi viata sa priveasca impasibia? Va pierde o jucarie ? O jucarie simpatica , care pana acum a facut pe Hopa-Mitica de cate ori i s-a pus piedica.
Te provoc, viata, la un joc. Jucaria nu se va mai ridica singura luptand din greu , va sta asa acolo , una cu pamantul. Ce vei face ? Vei privi impasibila cum jucaria simpatica ramane nemiscata si vei pierde distractia sau vei intinde o mana de ajutor sa o ridici?
Hm , de ce intuitia imi spune ca viata va privi cu dispret jucaria si apoi va cauta alta jucarie simpatica , care sa se lupte si sa se ridice ca Hopa - Mitica.

Oricum , am oboosit! Te provoc, viata!

vineri, 24 iunie 2011

Forever - Stratovarius

I stand alone in the darkness
The winter of my life came so fast
Memories go back to my childhood
To days I still recall

Oh how happy I was then
There was no sorrow there was no pain
Walking through the green fields
Sunshine in my eyes

I'm still there everywhere
I'm the dust in the wind
I'm the star in the northern sky
I never stayed anywhere
I'm the wind in the trees
Would you wait for me forever?

duminică, 12 iunie 2011

M-am saturat

M-am saturat. Toti imi spun ca sunt deosebita , cu suflet , cerebrala, etc. Atunci, de ce toti imi calcati sufletul in picioare?......... :(((

vineri, 10 iunie 2011

My Dear Friend

Never tryed to keep you
Never tryed to call
Never tryed to huck up
Never tryed to be the one for you

Never tryed to find you
Never tryed to hunt you down
Never tryed to make you love me

Ooh, oh but my dear friend
I've missed you so, oh
Ooh, oh my dear friend
I've missed you so

Never tryed to have you
Never tryed to kiss
Never tryed to touch you
Never tryed to take you away from her

Never said a word
Never hung on
Never bodered you
Never told you how much i care

Ooh, but my dear friend
I've missed you so, oh
Ooh, oh my dear friend
I've missed you so

Never tryed to call
Never tryed to reach
Never tryed to see me
Never wondered what happened to your dear friend

Did you ever care?
Did you wanna share?
Are you even there?
Will you wherever hear this and remember?

Ooh, but my dear friend
Tell your jealous wife i just want to be your friend
Ooh, oh my dear friend i'll miss you so, i'll miss you so

sâmbătă, 4 iunie 2011

Sophie Zelmani - I Can't Change

E vara...

vin anotimpurile si trec...ce sentiment de neputinta ireversibila. Astept , nu stiu ce astept, dar astept. Nu e ceva firesc pentru mine. Asteptarea mi s-a parut mereu plictisitoare si fara sens. Nu cred ca e bine, trebuie sa ies din starea asta. Probelma cea mare e cum sa fac. Atept o motivatie, care nu vine...
O sa treaca iar o vara , o toamna , o iarna, o primavara...asa trece viata , in varful picioarelor ,pe langa mine.

joi, 26 mai 2011

Tu in ce pui suflet?

In ce pun suflet? M-a intrebat un suflet :). Grea intrebare. Pun suflet in ochi cand il privesc pe el, in varfurile degetelor cand il ating , in buze cand il sarut si ma transfom in suflet cand ma cuprinde in brate. Si apoi fiind doar suflet fac risipa punandu-l in tot ce e bun si frumos in viata mea.

vineri, 20 mai 2011

all hung up in your green eyes

Mi-as fi dorit sa stii ce simt ,
Mi-as fi dorit sa pot sa mint .
Sa mint ca nu-mi doresc ce simt ,
As vrea sa cred ca simti ce simt.

vineri, 6 mai 2011

Zaz " Eblouie par la nuit "

Eblouie par la nuit à coup de lumière mortelle
A frôler les bagnoles les yeux comme des têtes d’épingle.
J’t'ai attendu 100 ans dans les rues en noir et blanc
Tu es venu en sifflant.

Eblouie par la nuit à coup de lumière mortelle
A shooter les canettes aussi paumé qu’un navire
Si j’en ai perdu la tête j't’ai aimé et même pire
Tu es venu en sifflant.

Eblouie par la nuit à coup de lumière mortelle
A-il aimé la vie ou la regarder juste passer?
De nos nuits de fumette il ne reste presque rien
Que tes cendres au matin
A ce métro rempli des vertiges de la vie
A la prochaine station,petit européen.
Mets ta main,dessend-la au dessous de mon coeur.

Eblouie par la nuit à coup de lumière mortelle
Un dernier tour de piste avec la main au bout
J’t'ai attendu 100 ans dans les rues en noir et blanc
Tu es venu en sifflant.

sâmbătă, 23 aprilie 2011

E noaptea de Inviere!

Acum simt ca am primit un cadou, nu stiu daca il merit. Stiu ca in ultima vreme imi doream asta.
Ce poate fi mai frumos decat sa iti dai seama ca omul in care crezi dovedeste ca merita increderea. Eu cred ca asta a fost cadoul meu de Paste. Sper ca asa va ramane. Nu as vrea sa se schimbe. Nu as vrea se se schimbe pentru ca el mi-a dat zambetul intelepciunii si am nevoie de el pentru a-l putea pastra.

joi, 21 aprilie 2011

Only you can heal your life

only you can heal your life)

it must have been an angel
who counted out the time
yes it must have been an angel
who raised a knowing smile
and i just couldn't reach you
no matter how i tried
no i just couldn't reach you
so instead i ran to hide

(only you can heal inside,
only you can heal your life)

mother can you hear me?
can you tell me, are you there?
father can you help me?
cos i know that you care
and i dont have to fight it anymore
for all those years i was dreaming
and i don't have to worry anymore
cos i found my belief in...
mother can you hear me?
can you tell me are you there?
father can you help me?
cos i know that you care

(only you can heal inside,
only you can heal your life)

luni, 18 aprilie 2011

Ce va fi?

nu stiu ce va fi peste o spatamana, o luna , un an.... Acum incercand sa fac un bilant al intamplarilor din viata mea , imi dau seama ca mi-as fi dorit sa fie mai plina de zambet.
Am fost un copil cuminte , prea cuminte. O coplilarie lina cu vancante la bunici. Bunici ca din poveste cu ochi blanzi si umezi . Casele bunicilor . Una intre brazi semeti si alta langa "cer". O copilarie alaturi de mare. Prima mea prietena. O fetita desculta pe malul mediteranei cautand scoci si vorbind cu valurile care ii mangaiau picioarele.
Apoi adolescenta studioasa , timida , orgolioasa , cu rabufniri de personalitate.
Adolescenta frumoasa , cu iubiri curate si dezmagiri crunte.
Apoi a inceput sa dispara zambetul. Au inceput sa dispara bunicii. Brazi nu mai erau asa frumosi. Primele lacrimi de durere adevarata.
Si asa am ajuns sa cred ca m-am indragostit , ce eroare. Au fost zambete un timp si apoi au inceput lacrimile. Lacrimile crude si dureroase. Si adolescenta timida si orgoliosa a devenit femeia inchisa in ea si plina de regrete.
Pana cand durerea a devenit atat de mare incat m-a trezit si a adus la iveala femeia luptatoare. Femeia care si-a aparat copii strangand din dinti si care a jurat ca nu va mai iubi niciodata.
Ma gandesc ca in toata viata mea durerea a avut cel mai mare rol. M-a calit, m-a schimbat. Nu stiu daca m-a transformat in bine.
Si cand deja credeam ca am trait tot ce se putea trai : inocenta, iubire, durere , viata mi-a mai adus o provocare.
O provocare pe masura , m-am indragostit cu adevarat si fara speranta. Abia durerea asta m-a schimbat total. Din orgolioasa am devenit chibzuita, din ironica am devenit glumeata, iar tristetea s-a schimbat in zambet.
Nu stiu cand s-a intamplat , dar dintr-o data am devenit alta.
Oare ce va urma? :)

luni, 28 martie 2011

Cea mai frumoasa poezie

Moare cate putin
– Pablo Neruda

Moare cate putin cine se transforma in sclavul
obisnuintei, urmand in fiecare zi aceleasi
traiectorii; cine nu-si schimba existenta;
cine nu risca sa construiasca ceva nou;
cine nu vorbeste cu oamenii pe care nu-i cunoaste.

Moare cate putin cine-si face din televiziune un guru.
Moare cate putin cine evita pasiunea, cine prefera
negrul pe alb si punctele pe "i" in locul unui
vartej de emotii, acele emotii care invata ochii sa
staluceasca, oftatul sa surada si care elibereaza
sentimentele inimii.

Moare cate putin cine nu pleaca atunci cand este
nefericit in lucrul sau; cine nu risca certul pentru
incert pentru a-si indeplini un vis; cine nu-si
permite macar o data in viata sa nu asculte
sfaturile "responsabile".

Moare cate putin cine nu calatoreste; cine nu
citeste; cine nu asculta muzica; cine nu cauta harul
din el insusi.

Moare cate putin cine-si distruge dragostea; cine nu
se lasa ajutat.
Moare cate putin cine-si petrece zilele plangandu-si
de mila si detestand ploaia care nu mai inceteaza.

Moare cate putin cine abandoneaza un proiect inainte
de a-l fi inceput; cine nu intreaba de frica sa nu
se faca de ras si cine nu raspunde chiar daca cunoaste

Evitam moartea cate putin, amintindu-ne intotdeauna
ca "a fi viu" cere un efort mult mai mare decat simplul
fapt de a respira.

Doar rabdarea cuminte ne va face sa cucerim o fericire splendida.
Totul depinde de cum o traim...
Daca va fi sa te infierbanti, infierbanta-te la soare
Daca va fi sa inseli, inseala-ti stomacul
Daca va fi sa plangi, plange de bucurie
Daca va fi sa minti, minte in privinta varstei tale
Daca va fi sa furi, fura o sarutare
Daca va fi sa pierzi, pierde-ti frica
Daca va fi sa simti foame, simte foame de iubire
Daca va fi sa doresti sa fii fericit,
doreste-ti asta in fiecare zi...

miercuri, 23 martie 2011

franturi de ganduri

O dupa amiaza de primavara,primavara care intarzie. Iubesc caldura si soarele , mostenire genetica. Deaceea iarna lunga si incapatanata imi da fiori.
E asa o liniste in mine... o liniste trista, resemnata si paradoxal optimista...
As vrea sa fiu pe malul marii la insearat cand e plaja goala si marea povesteste. Sa ascult povestea marii , ce a vazut ea : iubiri fericite ,iubiri triste... perechi inlantuite........Mi-e dor de marea mea...

luni, 21 martie 2011

Zoia Alecu- Vino aici

All I Want

I don't want another lover
So don't keep holding out your hands
There's no room beside me
I'm not looking for romance
Say i'll be here, i'll be here
But there's no way you'd understand

All I want
All I want
All I want
When I don't even know myself

I don't want another partner
So don't try and break the spell
I can't even understand me
So don't think that you can help
When I say things and see things
That's no way on earth to tell

What I want
What I want
What I want
'Cos I don't even know myself

No one wants to be lonely
But what am I to do
I'm just trying to be honest
I don't want to hurt you too
When i'll be there, i'll be there
I know I sound confused

But all I want
All I want
All I want
All I want
All I want
See all I want
All I want
Is to one day come to know myself

duminică, 20 martie 2011


Noaptea asta se pare ce nu e prea buna. Nu vrea somnul sa vina. Ma napadesc mii de ganduri, ganduri rele. Imi doresc sa vad rasaritul , intotdeauna mi-a fost tema de noptile cu insomnii. Incerc sa ma gandesc la locurile dragi, dar nu ajuta....Ma cuprinde o tristete apasatoare.....singuratatea, karma mea...............

joi, 17 martie 2011

No Fear .....

I never walked near the edge
Used to fear swam far from shore
Never tried the secret door
But When you give me love
When you give me love

I have no fear of heights,
No fear of the deep blue sea,
Athough it could drown me,
I know it could drown me

I didn't wander in the woods
Used to fear the darkness
I didn't like getting deep
I was scared of what I couldn't keep
But when you give me love
When you give me love

I have no fear of heights,
No fear of the deep blue sea,
Athough it could drown me

No fear of the fall
No fear if it's with you ta I fall
'cause nothing could break us,
No nothing could break us,now

marți, 15 martie 2011

Miroase a primavara...

se simte aerul caldut de primavara...intra incet in aduce zambet pe buze. Totusi sunt trista, nu stiu de ce. Mi-e dor de albastrul Mediteranei , mi-e dor sa o sarut cum o faceam in adolescenta. Marea era prietena mea, ei ii spuneam toate secretele.

joi, 3 martie 2011

pentru un prieten drag

nu vei sti niciodata cu adevarat ce e in sufletul meu pentru tine, pastrat cu grija in cutiuta mea secreta. Nu vei sti niciodata cat de mult te-am iubit. Am gresit , sunt vinovata, dar te-am iubit cum nu am iubit niciodata.
Ratiunea s-a estompat in fata sentimentelor, logica s-a spulberat. Am luptat cu sufletul meu , am vrut sa te scot de acolo si dupa nopti pline de lacrimi si regrete mi-am dat seama ca te voi iubi mereu. Si atunci dragostea s-a schimbat a devenit mai calda , mai buna, profunda, fara sa mai ceara nimic.E lumina din mine , care imi da putere si zambet. Zambetul acela ce apare din senin in momentele cele mai grele. Zambetul ... care e pentru tine.

miercuri, 2 martie 2011

A venit primavara...oare?

A venit primvara, cel putin calendaristic. O primavara trista , rece, rea. Nu simt adirea vantului caldut prin par, nu aud pasarile ciripind. Ce se intampla cu viata asta? Oare perceptia mea da gres? Simt ca viata ma striveste incet , incet ... Sufletul meu plange dupa caldura si zambet..

marți, 1 martie 2011

Sadness in the Night

In the night I feel the cold of my loneliness
Cold that embraces my heart
Draining my strength to fight
Only to breathe this suffering

Tell me why?
Why must I bear this cross
So heavy for my soul?
Please hold me in your love

I am the keeper of his heart
I was sent to take care of his sweetness
Never I'll forget his love
Never I'll forget the light
That shone in his eyes

Let me fly, let me be free
To stay with him beyond this life
Run across the sky
Let me see the sun again

Let me die
Give me the light
I'm waiting for death to knock on my door to release my pain
My sadness in the night

Let me die
Give me the light
I'm waiting for death to knock on my door, to release my pain
My sadness in the night, forevermore

Every day I dream of sunlight in my dark room
I want to find a reason why
Justify my reason to stay alive
Within this pain

Tell me why?
Why must I bear this cross
So heavy for my soul?
Please hold me in your love

Let me die
Give me the light
I'm waiting for death to knock on my door, to release my pain
My sadness in the night
Let me die
Give me the light
I'm waiting for death to knock on my door, to release my pain
My sadness in the night
Let me die
Give me the light
I'm waiting for death to knock on my door, to release my pain
My sadness in the night

Tired of Being Alone

Once , you dreamed of me , twice
you wished that i'd pull you out
you chose your life , and put me down
still you don't understand

Tired of being alone

what you have dreamed
is not what i am
so far
let me be the one
please understand me
how i am
but i don't want , to walk alone
i need your hands to warm my soul

Tired of being alone
Tired of being alone

i will do my best
to become your love
i'll try
to fill the emptyness
in our hearts
oh so tired of being alone

Tired of being alone
i want to feel , i need to fall in love with you
Tired of being alone

vineri, 25 februarie 2011

Crying In The Rain

I'll never let you see
The way my broken heart is hurting me
I've got my pride and I know how to hide
All the sorrow and pain
I'll do my crying in the rain

If I wait for cloudy skies
You won't know the rain from the tears in my eyes
You'll never know that I still love you
So though the heartaches remain
I'll do my crying in the rain

Raindrops falling from heaven
Will never wash away my misery
But since we're not together
I'll wait for stormy weather
To hide these tears I hope you'll never see

Someday when my crying's done
I'm gonna wear a smile and walk in the sun
I may be a fool
But till then, darling, you'll never see me complain
I'll do my crying in the rain
I'll do my crying in the rain
I'll do my crying in the rain
I'll do my crying in the rain

duminică, 20 februarie 2011

How Many Times

How many times i couldn't sleep
cos i saw you dying in my dreams
how many times you lied to me
raised my hopes and i believed
so many times you went away
even though you promised me to stay
you always said soon it'll be ok
but till today nothing's changed
and now i know its too late
you lost your soul you will never change
a strand of mine wasn't strong enough
you choose this life instead of love
now i know it's too late
you lost your soul you will never change
a strand of mine wasn't strong enough
you choose this life instead of us
how many times they said i''m a fool
but its your child i have faith in you
i always thought one day we'll reunite
leaving here, reaching paradise
but now i know it's just a dream
now i know it will never be,
beautiful completed family
you'll just exist in my dreams
now i know it's too late
you lost your soul you will never change
a strand of mine wasn't strong enough
you choose this life instead of love (
now i know it's too late
you lost your soul you will never change
a strand of mine wasn't strong enough
you choose this life instead of us
instead of us.....

photos taken by my son

I am proud ....:)

vineri, 18 februarie 2011

I Walk Alone

Put all your angels on the edge
Keep all the roses, I'm not dead
I left a thorn under your bed
I'm never gone
Go tell the world I'm still around
I didn't fly, I'm coming down
you are the wind, the only sound
Whisper to my heart
when hope is torn apart
and no one can save you
I walk alone
Every step I take
I walk alone
My winter storm
Holding me awake
It's never gone
When I walk alone
Go back to sleep forever more
Far from your fools and lock the door
They're all around and they'll make sure
You don't have to see
What I turned out to be
no one can help you
I walk alone
Every step I take
I walk alone
My winter storm
Holding me awake
It's never gone
When I walk alone
Waiting up in heaven
I was never far from you
Spinning down I felt your every move
I walk alone
I walk alone
Every step I take
I walk alone
My winter storm
Holding me awake
It's never gone
When I walk alone
Thanks to henry for these lyrics

Ever Dream

Ever felt away with me
Just once that all I need
Entwined in finding you one day

Ever felt away without me
My love, it lies so deep
Ever dream of me

Would you do it with me
Heal the scars and change the stars
Would you do it for me
Turn loose the heaven within

I'd take you away
Castaway on a lonely day
Bosom for a teary cheek
My song can but borrow your grace

Come out, come out wherever you are
So lost in your sea
Give in, give in for my touch
For my taste for my lust

Your beauty cascaded on me
In this white night fantasy

"All I ever craved were the two dreams I shared with you.
One I now have, will the other one ever dream remain.
For yours I truly wish to be"

miercuri, 9 februarie 2011

Oare va trece?

Trec printr-o perioada foarte dificila. Depinde doar de mine sa treaca.......Credeam ca sunt matura , dar m-am inselat .Credeam ca sunt puternica, dar m-am inselat. Credeam ca sunt corecta, dar m-am inselat. Credeam multe despre mine si m-am inselat. Nu imi plang de mila stiu ca am ce merit . Printe toate aceste frustrari stiu ceva , ca intotdeauna am luptat cu perseventa sa trec peste greutati. Acum trebuie sa lupt cu mine....da, e tare greu sa lupti cu tine... Poate e provocarea vietii mele, poate asta trebuia sa mi se intample ca sa mai depasesc o treapta in viata

sâmbătă, 29 ianuarie 2011

for you....

For you there'll be no crying
For you the sun will be shining
˜Cause I feel that when I'm with you
It's alright, I know it's right

And the songbirds keep singing
Like they know the score
And I love you, I love you, I love you
Like never before

To you, I would give the world
To you, I'd never be cold
Cause I feel that when I'm with you
It's alright, I know it's right

And the songbirds keep singing
Like they know the score
And I love you, I love you, I love you
Like never before

Like never before; like never before

joi, 27 ianuarie 2011

Oare exista sufletul pereche?

Nu cred ca am studiat suficient sa pot da definitia "sufletului pereche". Pana de curand nici nu credeam ca exista. Acum stiu ca exista , dar ratiunea ma impiedica sa o afirm raspicat. Senzatia de "deja vu" am avut-o de cateva ori in viata. Atunci am crezut ca memoria imi joaca feste. Acum cred ca era ceva , nu profund , atingeri din trecut sau cine stie de unde.
Ultima senzatie de "deja vu" a avut un impact teribil asupra mea. Atunci am stiut , da am constientizat ca era ceva , ceva ce nu pot defini. La inceput am zis :na, m-am indragostit! Era si asta . Ma intrista , stiam ca e iubire imposibila. Dar nu puteam controla. Asta m-a dus si spre greseli , greseli ce nu se pot indrepta.
Apoi incet, incet mi-am dat seama ca e mult mai mult. Cand te trezesti noaptea si simti brusc durere , fara sa ai ceva fizic, si primul gand e : a patit ceva. Starea de tensiune ce urmeaza e dureroasa , dar si placuta. Trairea e atat de intensa. Pacat ca nu am stiu sa recunosc asta de la inceput. Stiu ca il voi simti de acum tot timpul. Nu e vorba de iubire , e mult mai profund. Trebuie sa-mi limpezesc gandurie si poate atunci voi sti mai multe. Nesinguranta mea se datoreaza faptului ca din vina mea , l-am indepartat. Poate timpul le va aseza pe toate . Oricum acolo undeva e ceva/cineva ce imi da semnale. :)

miercuri, 26 ianuarie 2011

To Blossom Blue

ritmul meu din noaptea asta :( din zilele ce urmmeaza

I'm bleeding, I'm bleeding in ways of the fire burned.
I'm crying, I'm crying in ways of the nightbird.
No more is there one to lay by my side.
I'm straying, I'm straying in nightmares all the time.

A little something I know,
A little somewhere I go,
Reminds me of you.

To blossom blue is to blossom without you.
To blossom blue...

I'm breaking, I'm breaking but I cannot bear to.
I'm staring, I'm staring but I cannot see you.
For no more are you to lay by my side...
I'm weeping, I'm weeping no more then this second time.

A little something I know,
A little somewhere I go,
Where the sweet waters flow,
Reminds me of you...

A little something I know,
A little somewhere I go,
Where the sweet waters flow,
Where the mistletoes grow,
Reminds me of you.

To blossom blue is to blossom without you.
To blossom blue is to blossom without you.

joi, 20 ianuarie 2011

Τα μάτια μου κλαμμένα

Απόψε θα σ' ονειρευτώ
Κουράστηκα να ζω χωρίς εσένα
Και κάθε βράδυ στο καθρέφτη να κοιτώ
Τα μάτια μου κλαμμένα
Κουράστηκα να θέλω να ξεχάσω
Τη μέρα αυτή που μ' άφησες
Για τελευταία φορά να σ'αγκαλιάσω
Απόψε θα σ'ονειρευτώ
Και θα'σαι όπως θέλω εγώ
Δικιά μου μέχρι το πρωί
Μόνο σ'εμένανε θ'ανήκεις
Απόψε θα σ'ονειρευτώ
Τα χείλη σου θα θυμηθώ
Θα σε κρατάω στα χέρια μου
Ποτέ να μη μου ξαναφύγεις
Κι αν μου τα πήρες όλα εσύ
Κρατάω τα όνειρά μου
Φτιάχνω μια δεύτερη ζωή
Και σ'έχω εδώ κοντά μου
Κουράστηκα να ζω με αναμνήσεις
Και να'μαι τόσο αφελής
Που να πιστεύω πως θα ξαναγυρίσεις
Κουράστηκα να ζω με την αλήθεια
Και να κοιτάζω την καρδιά σου να χτυπά
Για άλλον μες τα στήθια

joi, 13 ianuarie 2011

Alexandrina Hristov

O voce inconfundabila ....

Eclipsa de soare

(foto Dorin Constanda)

Viata e un circ , circul e viata

Come un lampo di vita
Come un pazzo gridare
Del delittuoso grido
Bella ruggente pena,
Come la rabbia di amar
Come un assalto di gioia

I see a spark of life shining
I hear a young minstrel sing
Beautiful roaring scream
Of joy and sorrow,
So extreme
There is a love in me raging
A joyous,
Magical feeling

Come un lampo di vita
Come un pazzo gridare
Del delittuoso grido
Bella ruggente pena,
Come la rabbia di amar

Come un assalto di gioia

Del delittuoso grido
Bella ruggente pena,
Come la rabbia di amar
Come un assalto di gioia

Como la luz de la vida
Como un payaso que grita
Del estupendo grito
De la tristeza loca
Como la rabia de amar
Como un asalto de felicidad

Del estupendo grito
De la tristeza loca
Como la rabia de amar
Como un asalto de felicidad

There is a love in me raging
A joyous,
Magical feeling

marți, 11 ianuarie 2011


Eu umbra aceasta pe care
O semeni in sufletul meu
Cu mila si trista mirare
Voi duce-o cu mine mereu

Si-apoi intr-o zi oarecare
In care-mi va fi cel mai greu
Voi pune-o in vechi calendare
Duminica trupului meu

Fiori prin mine umbla
Si nu am trebuinta
Te rog pe tine umbra
Sa redevi fiinta

Flamand de iubirea intreaga
Pe vremi de amurg mohorat
Cand zodiile noaptea-si dezleaga
Ma satur cu-o umbra si-atat

Si sufletul meu te mai roaga
Magnetic catarg doborat
Tu, umbra tacuta si draga
Aseaza-ti fularul la gat

O umbra se-nchide in mine,
O umbra prin mine trecu.
E-atat de rau ca e bine,
E-atat de mult daca e nu

Bacovia-si iese din sine
Si rade in "a" si in "u"
Si-o umbra in viata ma tine
Si umbra aceea estï tu.

(versuri Adrian Paunescu)

miercuri, 5 ianuarie 2011

Je veux

Am descoperit melodia asta intamplator , dar de trei zile nu imi iese din minte. azi dimineata m-am trezit fredonand :) . Da.......... uitati de toate cliseele voastre (Oubliez ... tous vos cliches)

Remember My Name


Dear my love, haven't you wanted to be with me
And dear my love, haven't you longed to be free
I can't keep pretending that I don't even know you
And at sweet night, you are my own
Take my hand

We're leaving here tonight
There's no need to tell anyone
They'd only hold us down
So by the morning light
We'll be halfway to anywhere
Where love is more than just your name

I have dreamt of a place for you and I
No one know who we are there
All I want is to give my life only to you
I've dreamt so long I cannot dream anymore
Let's run away, I'll take you there

Forget this life
Come with me
Don't look back you're safe now
Unlock your heart
Drop your guard
No one's left to stop you

Forget this life
Come with me
Don't look back you're safe now
Unlock your heart
Drop your guard
No one's left to stop you now

marți, 4 ianuarie 2011

A cazut o frunza-n calea ta

A cazut o frunza-n calea ta
Ratacind pe-a vantului aripa.
Ai zarit-o si-n aceeasi clipa
Ai strivit-o calcand peste ea.
N-avea grai sa strige in urma ta,
Nici puteri sa spuna cat o doare
Si-a ramas pierduta in carare,
Ploi si vanturi trecut-au peste ea.
Statea lipita de pamant si se intreba
Ce ar face daca vantul ar lua-o
Si-o clipa in palma ta ar aseza-o
Dar a ramas acolo undeva.

A cazut o frunza-n calea ta
Si cine stie cate or sa mai cada
Dar n-ai sa stii nicicand
Si nu-ti va da prin gand
Ca prima frunza ce-a cazut in drumul tau
Am fost eu.

poezie de Ioana Craciunescu

luni, 3 ianuarie 2011

Franturi de gand

Privesc fulgii de nea pe fereastra , cad lin spre pamant. Nu se grabesc . Poate simt ca acolo vor deveni anonimi. Deschid fereastra si incerc sa prind unul. E efemer in palma mea calda, dar tot am timp sa vad cristalele de zapada, au o forma perfecta … un singur defect , se topesc .
Iubesc zapada de cand eram copil . Imi imaginam ca e vata de zahar, munti da vata de zahar. Casele pareau de turta dulce pudrate cu zahar. Copacii erau de scortisoara . Toata strada era un imens tort. Era visul meu de copil . Joaca mea de copil singuratic.
Era atata liniste , zapada aducea linistie. Era pustiu , rar cate un vecin aparea si imi strica glazura de pe tort.
Intodeauna zapada imi aduce aminte de candoarea copilariei. Imi e dor sa fac ingerasi in zapada si sa vad cerul albastru . Atunci ma simteam ca plutesc pe un nor alb si pufos .
Imi e dor de copilarie….